Friday, August 23, 2013

#FlashbackFriday: Would-Be SI for Kids Masterpieces

I drew a lot of artwork back in the day with the idea of getting it published in the "Art Gallery" section of Sports Illustrated for Kids.  But I only finished some of it and, more notably, submitted none of it.

Why?  Because no one wants to stuff their masterpieces in an envelope and toss them in a mailbox, potentially never to be seen again.  And (of course) because I knew, if I stashed them away for a few decades instead, they'd eventually make a grade-A #FlashbackFriday blog post.

Good call, young self.  Good call.

Midway through coloring the "B":  Why am I drawing Bo Outlaw? 

My Dad's favorite Celtic great from before my day... 

...and a "great" Celtic from my day (arms drawn appropriately flabby).

The would-be GOAT drawn in pen (ballsy!).

Look at his face – I drew him as if he knew he couldn't live up to being the no. 1 pick.

The Mailman, delivering.

We interrupt this hoops nostalgiafest for everykid'sfavoritebaseballplayerinthe90s.

The pressure of drawing Larry Bird was (apparently) too much.

I coined that "nickname" myself. 

The actual GOAT.

Mugsy [sic], looking pensive.

The angle of Patrick's dunk attempt here is preposterous.

Perfect form, but (apparently) no hops.

Was 'Reef ever quick enough to justify all those action lines?

Fun fact: Stephon Marbury's right leg has no bones.

...Cereal mascots?  Sure, why not.

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